The above tulip is mine- a crazy ruffled thing. And look at Sparks! So cute! I know, I say that all the time, but it is true. Plus in photos you can just enjoy his cuteness and not deal with the wild behavior. He actually hates to have his picture taken- imagine a thought bubble above him that says "Oh Mommy, your dork, I will look at you with a happy face for about...a nanosecond, so get it right. Ok, can I have a cookie?"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Umm, have you noticed
The above tulip is mine- a crazy ruffled thing. And look at Sparks! So cute! I know, I say that all the time, but it is true. Plus in photos you can just enjoy his cuteness and not deal with the wild behavior. He actually hates to have his picture taken- imagine a thought bubble above him that says "Oh Mommy, your dork, I will look at you with a happy face for about...a nanosecond, so get it right. Ok, can I have a cookie?"
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