This is on the north side of the runway at LaGuardia Airport. I have now lived in NYC for 10 years. When I am in a bad mood, I think "ok, is that enough? can I go now?". But it is not for nothing that people say that New York is the city you love to hate. I guess I am a New Yorker now...and right now I am in an upswing regarding this town. Definately loving the little nooks and crannies; places that always seem new and interesting and beautiful. I love the people that I meet here and the opportunities I have and/or stumble upon. Last night I was walking Sparks in Riverside and we sort of walked though a Shakespeare production on the terrace of the Soldiers and Sailors monument at 90th. He actually barked at them because they were dancing around and whooping. But a crowd of people watching Much Ado about Nothing in the round, outside, casually lolling on marble steps- how New York is that? Many things that I fantasize about (a big organic garden, a linen closet, a craft room) are dreamy because I have the tiniest apartment with no outdoor space of my own. I also don't have to be responsible for the roof or basement or termite damage. I don't have a car, but I have about seven different forms of mass transit available. But then, I can also walk three blocks in any direction and go to five different markets and a farmers market, about a dozen restaurants, laundry, dry cleaner, hardware store, carpet store...opera cds and blinds store in one place. In my day-to-day, I know many of my neighbors, all the doorman, delivery guys, and the mailman. On a special day, we are about 30-45 minutes from any form of theater, culinary entertainment, and countless other ways to part with your money. This 500 sqaure feet is our
home and we love it; our backyard is Central Park and the Westside Community Garden. So here is to ten years- I am not sure about cheering for ten years more, but ya never know....
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