Monday, July 28, 2008
My real reason to visit Philly..
was not to see the Liberty bell. It was to catch up with T. and cuddle her cute little babe. C. is 9 months old and they can be a little I resisted grabbing her up and kissing her all over.
Also, T.'s house is sooo big. 5! bedrooms and a bog ole kitchen with a breakfast nook, sigh. Can you hear my jealousy?
And a yard!
And a mansard roof....
My friend T. escaped NYC a couple of years ago and bought a house in Philadelphia. I have been promising to visit her for ages. This last weekend, I finally went and it was really fun. One, I took the super cheap Chinatown bus. Two, I have been reading a lot of American history lately. So...the bus was fine, especially for $10, and dropped me in the middle of Philly easy walking distance to the Independence Historical area. The above photo is of Carpenter's Hall, which was the meeting place for the first Continental Congress. The houses below are historic houses also from that Federalist era.
This is the Betsy Ross house- which I didn't go in, but is on my list for the next trip.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Blue Hill
Ridiculously Insane Day
This is Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture. It is 45 min. outside of the city and we went for a picnic with our friends V. and Z. (who have a car). The grounds are amazingly lovely and the barns and restaurants soo beautiful. They have a large field with a wide variety of crops and many pastures with cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, geese, and sheep all free range and happily pecking away.
My House
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sister trip
Fri: D. and K. arrived and we picked them up in a rented car. We drove out to Coney Island and had Totonno's pizza. In my opinion it was the best pie in the city. Then we went over to Astroland and walked on the Boardwalk. We rode the Wonderwheel and played Skeeball. Coney Island was topped off with the requisite visit to Nathan's for hotdogs and cheese fries. We then drove through Brooklyn and across the Brooklyn Bridge. Once in Manhattan we went to the Lower East Side. I have been longing for Il Laboratorio del Gelato and everytime we have gone to the shop it was closed. There are no photos there because I was too busy saying "mmmmm, ooo, ohmygosh sogood!...mmmm, yumm, sosogood.." K. also got pickles from Guss Pickles. We drove up the east side and went home to rescue our pooch. He was very "excited" to have visitors and we went out to Gabriela's in our neighborhood.
Sat: Got up early and had breakfast at our place. Then took the subway down to see Trinity Church, World Trade Center, Wall Street, and Federal Hall. We had lunch at Les Halles- which is Anthony Bourdain's restaurant. Then we walked over to the South Street Seaport, NYPD museum, and Fraunces Tavern. After a cup of coffee we took the Staten Island Ferry and saw the Statue of Liberty. We then came home to get the pooch and rest. That night we went out to Ruby Foo's for dinner in Time Square. We walked and shopped and then had desert at Marseille on 9th Ave.
Sun: We went out for brunch at Kitchenette, which is a great restaurant, but we hadn't been there since D.'s last trip two years ago. Then we walked over to Grant's Tomb and Riverside church. We grabbed a cab for the Natural History Museum to see the Horse exhibit. After we went over to Broadway to shop and eat treats like creampuffs and more gelato! There is a KC BBQ restaurant in NYC called RUB that we went to for dinner. Then we went uptown to Rockefeller Center to see the Top of the Rock. It is a really spectacular view of the city. We were really wiped out at this point and came on back home.
Mon: They left this morning and had just enough time to go to Central Park with Sparks.
Sat: Got up early and had breakfast at our place. Then took the subway down to see Trinity Church, World Trade Center, Wall Street, and Federal Hall. We had lunch at Les Halles- which is Anthony Bourdain's restaurant. Then we walked over to the South Street Seaport, NYPD museum, and Fraunces Tavern. After a cup of coffee we took the Staten Island Ferry and saw the Statue of Liberty. We then came home to get the pooch and rest. That night we went out to Ruby Foo's for dinner in Time Square. We walked and shopped and then had desert at Marseille on 9th Ave.
Sun: We went out for brunch at Kitchenette, which is a great restaurant, but we hadn't been there since D.'s last trip two years ago. Then we walked over to Grant's Tomb and Riverside church. We grabbed a cab for the Natural History Museum to see the Horse exhibit. After we went over to Broadway to shop and eat treats like creampuffs and more gelato! There is a KC BBQ restaurant in NYC called RUB that we went to for dinner. Then we went uptown to Rockefeller Center to see the Top of the Rock. It is a really spectacular view of the city. We were really wiped out at this point and came on back home.
Mon: They left this morning and had just enough time to go to Central Park with Sparks.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Mr.'s Head
They're here!
We are so tired
Friday, July 11, 2008
TV Diet
For me a TV diet is not that hard. I am at home a lot and listen to my iPod most of the time. But when Mr. comes home, it is challenging. He is not on the diet and wants to unwind. He has been very supportive and I am a little less tense from not constantly being aggressively marketed at and not watching any politics. Look at my beautiful flowers from the greenmarket!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I have been all over NYC looking for popsicle molds all week. I actually thought these were kind of ugly...but really, everyone is sold out, so beggars can't be choosers. These are yogurt blueberry popsicles and very icy. I am gonna make a banana recipe that Mark Bittman (NYTimes) made.
I was a little worried about the dianthus once the first bloom was over. But the upper planter is looking full and beautiful. The lower planter is just getting it together. I put all new dirt in this year- so I don't know why things do not grow well down there. Could it be dog pee/poop? I dunno. But I put little scoops of NYC compost around the bottom of each one of them.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This is our new kitchen cart. We have needed this thing since I received the Kitchenaid mixer which has been living on the piano! So after many wrangles with Crate and Barrel- we got it and put it together. Now I am going to re-arrange the entire apartment to best utilize the new space. How thrilling. Also, day two of TV Diet was successful- thanks to the cart. I am only reading two books at a time now...1776 and Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle". Makes me have farm fantasies.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
One day down
Phew, I made it through day one! The best thing is that Mr. was very supportive, did not give me a hard time at all. We watched American Gangster, ate dinner, and went to bed. We had already met after work and taken a long walk home with the dog. We are going to meet at the Y tonight for swimming- which is so much fun. So that is limiting the temptation time. Tonight we have La Vie en Rose to watch- but I may just read and let him watch the news and shout to me what is happening in the world.
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